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混血or创意---酷冷至尊【极光100C(XTi)】键盘评测 键盘

rhm870 |原作者: rhm870
评论(12) 查看(72165)
2015-5-18 22:03




















Media key
FN + ESCà Switch Default Profile
FN + F1àBlue (0~5, 6 level)
FN + F2àRed (0~5, 6 level)
FN + F3à LED Mode
FN +F4àWin Lock
FN + F5àRepeat Rate 1X
FN + F6 Repeat Rate 2X
FN + F7Repeat Rate 4X
FN + F8Repeat Rate 8X
FN + F9:Macro Record
FN + F10: Macro Remove
FN + F11: 1X
FN + F12: Toggle
FN+ PRT SC: Loop
FN + Pause: LED Record
FN+ SCR Lock: LED Play
P1:  Change to Profile 1
P2:  Change to Profile 2
P3:  Change to Profile 3
P4:  Change to Profile 4
FN  + Ins:Play/Pause
FN  + Del:Stop
FN  + Home:Nextward
FN  + End: Backward
FN + Page Dn:Volume down
FN  + Page Up:Volume up
Win Lock
Push FN + F4, to activate/deactivate Win Lock function
Repeat Rate
Push FN+ F5~F8 to adjust repeat rate (1X~8X)
LED Mode
1.        Off
2.        W, A, S, D, 4  direction way
3.        All
4.        All breath
5.        Single Key  (LED on when to press)
6.        Single key  (LED on when to press and then off slightly)
7.        All on, push  to off and back slightly
LED Color
1.        6 levels for  each color (0~5, 6levels).
2.        FN+F1/F2 to  tune the color.
3.        EVT stage  will make Blue/red, Blue/Green, Red/Green
LED Indicator
1.        Caps Lock
2.        Scroll Lock
3.        Num Lock
QF XTS will provide 4 profiles for users to setup  customized LED keys and macro keys. User can Press FN + ESC to back to  default profile.
In default profile, user still can setup LED in P1 to  P4 but can’t record macro.
Selected keys backlight scenario (Different key  with different color)
l    User can  setup what keys, colors they want to have
Step 1: Choose the profile (ESC, P1~P4 will be on when  to be chosen)
Step 2: Press FN + Pause (LED record), ESC, P1~P4 will  be flash
Step 3: Tune the color (Press FN + F1/F2 to tune color,  ESC, P1~P4 will flash when to record) and the “FN” key will show the color
Step 4: Choose the character (ESC, P1~P4 will flash  when to record)
Step 5: Press ESC, P1~P4 to finish the process.
Step 6: Press FN SCR LK to play LED
l    For example:  User wants to setup ABCDE with different color as P1. ABC with red, D with  blue and E with purple
Step 1: FN + P1
Step 2: FN + Pause to switch to Record LED mode
Step 3: FN + F1/F2 to tune to red and FN will show red
Step 4: Press A, B, C and A, B, C will show red
Step 5: FN + F1/F2 to tune to blue and FN will show blue
Step 6: Press D
Step 7: FN + F1/F2 to tune to purple and FN will show  purple
Step 8: Press E
Step 9: Press P1
l    Remark:
1.        ESC, P1, P2,  P3, P4, FN, CAPS LK, NUM LK, F1, F2, F4 can’t record
2.        KB will stop  recording after 60 sec if user does not edit
Record and play Macro key
QF XTS can provide 4 profiles to users to record the  Macro. In this mode, users can record macro keys.
l   How to Record Macro
Step 1: Press FN+P1~P4 (the key will be on when to be  chosen)
Step 2: Press FN + F9 (macro Record), the keys which  have been set up as the macro keys will show red color. The key we can allow  user to set up as the macro keys will show blue color. The keys which we do  not allow user to record will not show no color. The keys user has set up as  the macro keys will show red color.  
Step 3: Press the key you want to set up as the macro  key, the key will show blue color. The keys which have been set up as the  macro keys before will be off.
Step 4: “Key in”word string and the “macro key” will  flash red color.
Step 5: Press FN+ “F11”, “F12” or “PRT SC” key to set  up 1time, toggle or loop and then finish macro key record process.
Step 6: User can press FN+ESC to jump out the macro  recording mode and press FN + F9 to record another macro key.
1.        Quickfire XTS  allows user to record 200 characters per macro, 20 macros per profile.
2.        FN can’t  record
3.        KB will stop  recording after 60 sec if user do not edit or press “ESC”
4.        When users  press the macro key to play, the LED of recorded keys will be on in sequence
l   Remove the Macro
Step 1: Press FN + P1~P4 (the key will be on when to be  chosen)
Step 2: Press FN + F10 (Remove), the keys which have  been set up as the macro keys will be on and show red color.  
Step 3: Press the key you want to remove, the key will  change to no color and back to default setting.
Step 4: Press FN+ESC to jump out the “Remove Macro mode”  to profile when to finish remove the macro setting.



  • 炫酷灯效
  • 舒适手感
  • 极简设计
  • 强大固件
  • 卓越性能

  • 100%尺寸
  • 100%可玩性
  • 100%可靠性
  • 100%兼容性
  • 100%性价比

  • 色彩斑斓 Colour
  • 用户满意 Content
  • 简约风格 Concise
  • 气质非凡 Capacity
  • 挑战一切 Challenger




引用 phoenixelf 2015-5-18 23:08
引用 rhm870 2015-5-18 23:10
phoenixelf 发表于 2015-5-18 23:08

引用 AVA大人 2015-5-19 07:40
引用 程序猿 2015-5-19 09:11
引用 今天风儿好喧嚣 2015-5-19 09:28
外观没特点 如果有掌托还可以
引用 MixAir 2015-5-19 09:39
这个确实比较吊   再加上绿轴    感觉酷冷这两年是越来越像样儿了~
引用 weiyicheee 2015-5-19 10:15
支持下 吊吊吊
引用 rhm870 2015-5-19 12:47
a1769910354 发表于 2015-5-19 08:21

引用 rhm870 2015-5-19 12:48
程序猿 发表于 2015-5-19 09:11

引用 rhm870 2015-5-19 12:48
MixAir 发表于 2015-5-19 09:39
这个确实比较吊   再加上绿轴    感觉酷冷这两年是越来越像样儿了~

引用 rhm870 2015-5-19 12:49

谢谢支持 {:6_138:}
引用 sie7en 2015-5-19 17:13
天天这么多新款  看的眼花缭乱
